The word “diet” is probably one of the most popularly used terms these days not only among health buffs. But what really is diet? The National Institute Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) defines diet as the food or drink a person consumes each day. This comes in varied types such as Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, and many more.
Professionally speaking, diet is designed to limit the portions of food or drink intake to promote specific purposes such as weight loss. Apparently, this is usually hard to follow especially when people do not secure the services of a professional health practitioner. Ideal diet takes into account the foods that you like and dislike as well as a combination of foods with enough calories and nutrients for good health.
When planning a diet, see to it that you choose a diet that is appropriate to your calorie needs. Make sure that you opt for diets that are practical and easy to follow and maintained for the rest of your life so that you will achieve your personal goals. Make sure that your diet contains all the essential nutrients you need to keep you healthy. Read books on diet and proper nutrition to guide you or better yet, visit and dietitian who can provide you professional advice. Also, don’t forget to read Nutrition Facts Labels on each product you buy.
Healthy Weight Forum says that a healthful diet basically includes the following:
Sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Eating different varieties of foods from all the food groups on the Food Guide Pyramid will help you get the vitamins and minerals your body requires. If you eat less than 1,200 calories per day, make it a point to take a daily vitamin and mineral supplement.
Acceptable amount of protein. The average woman 25 years of age and older requires at least 50 grams of protein each day, while the average man 25 years of age and older needs 63 grams of protein each day. Sufficient protein prevents muscle tissue from breaking down and repairs all body tissues such as skin and teeth. In this case, make sure you eat a minimum of 2-3 servings from the protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts.
Suitable amount of carbohydrates. Each person needs at least 100 grams of carbohydrates per day to prevent fatigue and dangerous fluid imbalances. Supply your body with enough carbohydrates by eating 6-11 servings from the Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group on the Food Guide Pyramid every day.
Have a regular doze of fiber intake. Sufficient fiber helps with proper bowel function. If you were to eat 1 cup of bran cereal, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1/2 cup of kidney beans, a medium-sized pear, and a medium-sized apple together in 1 day, you would get about 30 grams of fiber.
Gulp down a minimal amount of fat each day and see to it that you limit the amount of cholesterol in your diet to reduce your risk for heart disease and may help you lose weight. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance derived from animal products such as meat and eggs. Ideally, you diet should include no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day.
Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses, 8 ounces each, of water or water-based beverages, per day. Increase your water intake if you exercise a lot.
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